ear WCAS Parents and Guardians,
I do hope that this notice finds you well.
Our facilities have currently not been mandated to only provide care to Essential Service Workers and as such care is available to all enrolled families however, we do not have the capacity to provide care during School hours and all children will be brought to attend School as they usually would.
If you are unsure on if your child(ren) would qualify to be in attendance at School next week then I would suggest contacting the School to have them clarify their specifics for you but WCAS is open to your family during our operational hours as needed and or required.
WCAS facilities will be resuming what are our usual before and after School care hours of 7-9am and 3-6pm starting on January 4th as previously planned.
Any child that is dropped off at our facilities for care in the mornings will be taken to attend School during the hours of 9am-3pm daily as they usually would.
Wishing you all the very best for the new year ahead.
Kindest regards,
Candace Beswick
Director of Program's Westminster Children’s Afterschool Society (WCAS) www.wcass.com
