Our external summer registration has begun and we have a lot of exciting things planned!
Please see the attached summer registration form for WCAS, read thoroughly and return via email to the centre of your choice. Note that summer registration is accepted on a first come, first serve basis. Should there not be any available spaces at the centre of your choice during the dates you indicate, alternative arrangements for care may be offered to you at another one of our locations.
You can reach the centre of your choice via email:
Playwest/Dragons Grove at Playwest- playwest@wcass.com, dragonsgrove@wcass.com
Queensborough and Kidsborough- qeclubhouse@wcass.com
Park Place and Hilltop Hideaway at Park Place- hilltophideaway@wcass.com
Kids Korner and Lord Kelvin at Kids Korner- kidskorner@wcass.com
Misty Meadows and Griffins Alley at Griffins Alley- griffinsalley@wcass.com
Thank you for choosing Westminster Children's After School Society and should you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.
Thanks again,
Westminster Children's After School Society
